Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant

Associated Teaching Assistant
  • Work experience
  • Teaching Assistant 2023 - Present
    Bahçeşehir University, Turkey
  • Education
  • Ph.D., Sept 2022 - Pursuing
    Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul
  • MSc., Biology, 2022
    Balikesir University, Balikesir
  • BSc., Biology, 2019 Balikesir University, Balikesir


  1. THESIS: Investigation of the Potentials of Some Endemic Cirsium Species to eliminate Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)-Induced on Human Lymphocyte Cells- M.Sc., Balikesir University Institute of Science and Technology (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Serap DOĞAN) (June 2022)
  2. THESIS: Some Biocompatibility Properties of Kaolinite Intercalated with Various Compounds- Undergraduate Thesis, Balıkesir Universit y Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Serap DOĞAN)
  3. PUBLICATION: YILMAZ KARDAŞ Begümhan, DIKEN Mehmet Emin, BAYHAN Hamza, ACAR Mikail, DOGAN Serap, “Cytoprotective, antimutagenic/antirecombinogenic and antibacterial properties of Lallemantia iberica extracts,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. 103, no. October, pp. 1901–1911, 2022. Doi: 10.1002/jsfa.12257 (International Refereed Journal (SCI))
  4. PROCEEDING: KOCATÜRK Berker, DOGAN Serap, BAYHAN Hamza, DIKEN Mehmet Emin (2022), “Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Olea Europa L. ‘DOMAT’”, Agriculture and Food 2022, 10th International Conference, 16-19 August Bulgaria (International Full Text).
  1. Biological Activities of Some Asteraceae Species', BAP Research Project, Balıkesir University, 2020/103, (2020-2022).
  2. Some Biocompatibility Properties of Kaolinite Interleaved with Various Compounds' TÜBİTAK 2209-A (2018-2019).
  3. “Investıgatıon of The Potentıals Of Some Endemıc Cırsıum Specıes To Elımınate Cytotoxıc And Genotoxıc Effects On Hydrogen Peroxıde (H2O2) Induced Human Lymphocyte Cells”, Tübitak-1002 Project No. 120z814 (2021-2022).
  1. TUBITAK [Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey] 2211-A Direct Domestic Doctorate Scholarship (2022- Ongoing)