The study of molecular biology and genetics provides a strong foundation for understanding all life forms, from bacteria to plants to complex vertebrate systems. Emerging technologies in personalized medicine, agriculture, and even solutions to environmental pollution have their basis in the molecular functions of cells. Molecular Biology and Genetics Department provides training in required courses in genetics, cell biology, biochemistry computational biology and programming, and offers electives for specialization in areas such as aging biology, immunology, plant genetics, cancer genetics, population genetics, evolutionary genetics, biotechnology and genetic engineering. To prepare students for the demands of a profession in these fields, students are educated in the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in their area of interest through training in concepts and theories as well as hands on experience with research methods in the research lab.

Molecular Biology and Genetics Department encourages collaborations with other relevant programs in Turkey and at international universities worldwide. Many of our students take advantage of our international opportunities for study and internships. In the past years, our students have studied abroad through our institutional collaborations, Erasmus, World Exchange and BAU International Programs in the United States, United Kingdom, South Korea, Canada, Portugal, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. The list of our students with international experience during their undergraduate education is given in the link Study Abroad.

Molecular Biology and Genetics have a bright future both globally and within Turkey. In Turkey, the demand for trained graduates to fill positions in these fields is increasing each year. Our graduates will have the chance to work in both public and private sectors (such as pharmaceutical, biomedical, biotechnology, agriculture and food sectors, research-development units, environmental protection, and quality control departments). Graduates will be qualified to work at research institutes as researchers or in administrative roles, or in the medical sector as genetic specialists (such as hospitals research labs, clinical genetics departments, pediatric genetics departments, and in vitro fertilization units). Another option for our graduates is the academic path for which they may continue their graduate education at Turkish or foreign universities. The list of our students that continue their Master and PhD studies in foreign countries are given under the Study Abroad link.