Capstone 2023

Best Project Awards

The list of the students, who were nominated and got the Best Project Award for Capstone Project presentations

Öykü Gümüş

Molecular mechanisms of trinucleotide repeat expansion and its significance in human health and diseases

Beyza Uludağ

Comprehensive approach to familial mediterrenaen fever: from pathogenesis to new treatment strategies

Selin Altunkara

Cellular senescence: an example of antagonıstıc pleıotropy or not?

The list of the students, who were nominated for the Best Project Award

Filiz Akın

Circadian rhythms: its importance in health and research

Ece Çoban

Multifunctional components of innate immunity: antimicrobial peptides as potential therapeutic agents

Barış Çağlar

Epıgenetıc clock of agıng: can we reverse agıng by targetıng the epıgenetıc changes?

Gizel Gerdan

Role of aquaporins in arabidopsis thaliana and sorghum bicolor at calcium homeostasis

Leyla Ümit Laçin

Enhancing production of plant volatile organic compound sesquiterpene through stress treatment and metabolic engineering

Masoud Al Shalah

Gene editing in plants: crispr/cas9 technology

Begüm Nisa Kasaplı

Space, a challenging habitat: a review of recent experiments about microgravit

Layali Dhafar

Crıspr/cas9 gene editing: emerging tool in hemophilia treatment

Sevil Dursun

The use of tissue engineering as a novel method for the treatment of asherman’s syndrome-related infertility

Capstone 2022

Best Project Awards

The list of the students, who were nominated and got the Best Project Award for Capstone Project presentations

Ahmad Ghanem

The Development of Autoimmune Disorders in HIV Infected Patients

Irem Balci

The Highlights of Inflammatory Mechanisms in Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases

*Lavdije Ahmedi

Tissue Specific Genomic Instability and Its Role in Aging and Cancer

*Mariam Eldesouky

Senescence and Quiescence: Two Sides of The Same Coin

*Students who has got same votes

 The list of the students, who were nominated for the Best Project Award (order is based on alphabet)

Bâlâ Ceren Öz

The Curative Therapies in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy with Exon Technology

Basant Elgaaphry

Environmental Epigenetics in Breast Cancer

Berkay Çınar Bozdağ

Extraterrestrial Colonization of Agriculturally Important Grass Species

Elif Olkun

The Involvement of Human Gut Microbiota in Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Ilgın Gökçe Demir

Genistein and Quercetin: Their Synthesis Mechanisms in Plants and Approaches for Heterologous Synthesis

Najwa Zahi

Organoids for Curing Cystic Fybrosis

Serra Kab

Infectious Diseases of The Central Nervous System: Interplay Between Neuroinflammation and Pyroptosis

Tolga Bayraktar

Hemicellulose Modifying Enzymes in Ferns